Toy Story
"Toy Story" is a movie directed by John Lasseter where it creates a universe and it's heroes are toys, which come to life when nobody is watching. It's conflict is between and old-fashioned cowboy called "Woody", who has always been a little boy's favourite toy, and a space ranger called "Buzz", who has replaced him. The villian in this story is the kid next door who steal toys and destroy them or creates combinations between them.
Fistly, kids should watch this movie since it tells a funny and entretain story, which contains humour and interesting scenes. Also, older viewers may be interested since the more you know about how the movie was made, the more you will be attracted to it and to the excellent computer animations it has, for example when Buzz did the unexpected jump in the bedroom.
Moreover, this movie has a lot of educational scenes, such as the teamwork. This point can be observed when the toys had to find their way back home and also it is reflected the frase "We arrived together, we leave together". You always have to be there, helping your friends.
All in all, I think this movie is awesome. To sum up with the idea, this film could be watch by all ages since it is very interesting and it has a catchy story. In my opinion, I think watching this movie would be a good use of your free time, so just watch it!.
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