sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

Review: The Big Bang Theory

I have seen one episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and I enjoyed it a lot. It's a perfect programme for entretainment. Do you want to have a funny time, so see it.

The Big Bang Theory has many merits and some awards. The majority of the people that see it, said that actors have an outstanding performance with a famous song with paignant lyrics. The problem is that the scripwriter and some part are not available for children. On the other hand, the cast do a great job of portraying the good relationship between neighbours and friends. There's a good dose of humour. This makes for a film which is both utterly involving and entretaining.

I'm a fan of "The Big Bang Theory" and you have to see it in your free time since it is worth it. I would definitely recommend it.

Resultado de imagen para the big bang theory

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