martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

Los Sentidos


La visión es el sentido mas importante para el ser humano. Gran parte del cerebro analiza la información que obtenemos mediante la vista. Este sentido apareció entre los seres vivos hace unos 800 millones de años, y se desarrollo cuando los animales salieron del agua. La esclerótica de los seres humanos se diferencia a los demás ya que es mas grande y no esta pigmentada (color blanca)

Primera imagen: Ojo actual del ser humano
Segunda imagen: Vista binocular
Tercera imagen: Visión de los seres vivos acuáticos
Cuarta imagen: Uso del Cristalino en los reptiles
Resultado de imagen para la vistaResultado de imagen para la vision binocularResultado de imagen para la vista en los primeros seres vivosResultado de imagen para la vista de los reptiles 


El oído hizo posible la comunicación oral de los seres vivos. Cada onda sonora es percibida de manera aislada, es decir que los tonos no se unen para formar un acorde o una palabra, por lo cual podemos identificar cada uno de ellos. Los seres vivos percibían mas rápido las ondas sonoras en el agua ya que se propagan mas rápido que en el aire y lo percibían con un órgano desarrollado para el equilibrio utilizado también por lo seres vivos terrestres ademas de tener un tímpano en el interior del cuerpo (orejas).

Primera imagen: Sistema auditivo del ser humano
Segunda imagen: Sistema auditivo de los seres vivos acuáticos

Resultado de imagen para timpano humanoImagen relacionada


El gusto y el olfato están estrechamente ligados a los estímulos químicos. Una sustancia cualquiera puede ser degustada gracias a que se disuelve en saliva y se activan los receptores del gusto en la lengua. La cavidad nasal esta en contacto con el paladar y podemos sentir el aroma de los alimentos por vía interna. Los seres vivos pueden captar cuatro gustos principales: amargo, ácido, dulce y salado. Para el olfato, la nariz no siempre fue la pieza central del olfato, en algunos seres vivos las antenas son las mas sensibles a los olores. La forma y ubicación de la misma depende de la evolución del ser vivo y su adaptación al ambiente.

Primera imagen: Conexión entre los dos sistemas
Segunda imagen: División de los sentidos del gusto en la lengua
Tercera imagen: Anatomía del humano para oler
Resultado de imagen para el gusto y el olfatoResultado de imagen para el gusto y el olfatoResultado de imagen para el olfato

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

Activity of review

It's sometimes hard to choose a film that fits your mood purely. That's why I have seen two films I considered uplifting ("22 Jump Street") and other movie which is the biggest downer ("Siniester").

Fistly, "22 Jump Street" is a movie that catch people's attention ince it's a very entretainment film and the actors portrays the need of founding who was the dealer of the school. The movie has dose of humour but also a demostration of working harder.

Then, "Siniester" is a movie with tremendous suspense, but it has a very downer story that takes you to a rare final. It has many judgmental opinions and it has scenes very slow and boring for the expectator. The film talks about a criminal. I won't revel why he did it but I think the film will leave the audience terrified and boring. I like both movies, but I'm a fan of "22 Jump Street". If you want to know the most uplifting film, this one is the correct one and your audience will be fascinated.

Resultado de imagen para 22 jump street    VS  Resultado de imagen para siniestro

Review: The Big Bang Theory

I have seen one episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and I enjoyed it a lot. It's a perfect programme for entretainment. Do you want to have a funny time, so see it.

The Big Bang Theory has many merits and some awards. The majority of the people that see it, said that actors have an outstanding performance with a famous song with paignant lyrics. The problem is that the scripwriter and some part are not available for children. On the other hand, the cast do a great job of portraying the good relationship between neighbours and friends. There's a good dose of humour. This makes for a film which is both utterly involving and entretaining.

I'm a fan of "The Big Bang Theory" and you have to see it in your free time since it is worth it. I would definitely recommend it.

Resultado de imagen para the big bang theory

domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017

Essay: Reducing stress

Most of the students go to school only to carry out what their family wants and nothing more, they don't think about how school can help you in life, and this is because school provokes stress to students, but this can change.

Firstly, school has to help students to put problems into perspective. They have to know that if they fail something in any subject, they don't have to discourage themselves, on the contrary, they should feel that they can achieve so much more.

Moreover, students get stressed in school when they have bad marks, but they should know that they are benefitted since they have all the tools they need so as to find alternative solutions to these types of problems and they don't need to give up because everyone can do it!.

On the other hand, not everyone finishes well and can reduce stress because it is very difficult, not only thinking that you can do it could be enough to combat stress.

To conclude, I think that the first benefit is better than the other one because to achieve all that school ask to do and if they increased productivity, students could not have a good performance in school since all this things causes a lot of stress for them and with stress, problems will not be solved.

Resultado de imagen para students with stressResultado de imagen para students with stress and bad marks

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Evolución publicitaria

En el área de biología estuvimos trabajando con el tema evolución. A partir de lo que aprendimos, tuvimos que buscar un comercial que hable de evolución y analizar si el término está utilizado correctamente o no.

Esta publicación muestra la evolución del hombre y los animales con los que conviven, sin embargo esta publicidad esta mal explicada ya que en el transcurso de la evolución aparece la convivencia entre el humano y un dinosaurio y en las etapas de la evolución nunca coincidieron porque cuando apareció el hombre, los dinosaurios ya se habían extinguidos. Para justificar esta respuesta les muestro las etapas de la evolución donde muestra que no se cruzaron nunca los dinosaurios con el hombre.

Resultado de imagen para etapas de la evolucion dinosaurio

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

Old wars vs New wars

Cuban missile crisis - North Korean missile test

Wars never ended, the world could not live in peace, nowadays there are less wars than time ago, but situations of battle and comfrontations still appearing on our daily life. In relation with the present, there are many fights between countries but to compare the event of the Cuban missile crisis may be use the newest event about The North Korean missile test of 2017.

Firstly, the Cuban missile crisis was a confrontation between Usa (Kennedy) - Soviet Union and Cuba (Castro). Usa was involved in Cuban islands since they owned most of their businesses and they had naval bases there. But Castro wanted to run Cuba without interference and he was negotiating with the Soviet Union who supplied arms and other escential things to Castro so Usa broke off their diplomatic relationship. The conflict started there and the drop that overflowed the glass was the Bay of Pigs invasion in wich Usa failed disastrously. Cuba with helped had the best-equipped army in Latin America and Americans watched all this with great alarm and Kennedy was ready to used whatever might be neccesay, saying that he was not scared of using nuclear missiles. Days after, an American U2 spy plane flew over Cuba and found that they were equipped with nuclear missiles and many ships so as to attack. On october 1962, Kennedy formed the Ex Comm organisation were they talk about five tactical ideas but they finished with a blockade in Cuba telling them to withdraw their missiles and arms.

Resultado de imagen para cuban missile crisisResultado de imagen para cuban missile crisisResultado de imagen para cuban missile crisis

Secondly, the North Korean missile test was a confrontation between Usa (Trump) - North Korea (Kim jong-un). Usa was infiltrated in the surrounders of Korea and political conflicts broke up North Korean president's patience so he threatened Usa with new nuclear missiles that could damage the heart of United States so Trump said that he should often send them "Gift packages" so they won´t be too bored. Korean president was penalized by the UN because of the violations of a ban nuclear missile tests. Usa had hoped North Korea would stop short of developing a long-range missiles, but with the time we will know it. The main reason why Korea develops this nuclear programme is as she felts threatened by the USA, South Korea and Japan since the Korean Peninsula was interfering by these countries.

Resultado de imagen para North korean missile testResultado de imagen para North korean missile test

North Korean army:

In one hand, this two cases had many similarities since both appeared nuclear bases with nuclear arms-missiles. Both were rivarly in the way of Communism versus Capitalism. Usa presidents tries to solved both problems with the US opinion and respecting the law and the diplomatic relationships.

On the other hand, the two cases had also many differences, in the case of Cuba, they were helped with by the Soviet Union and the Korean Missile test not at all. Usa did not have to investigate about the Korean's plans and if they were using missiles and not obeying the law because their president announced it himself, whereas in the case of Cuba, Kennedy had to send secret U2 spy planes so as to investigate if they were using or not.

To conclude, there are many cases that have a lot of difference and similarities like this example because war never ended and humans could not live in peace, they want always something more and I think that is late to change this.


History Book
Google Images

lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

South Vietnam

1.       Describe American involvement in South Vietnam between 1854 and 1963

In 1954 the US applied a different rule: it prevented elections from taking place because it feared that the Communists would win. The Americans thought that China and the USSR were planning to spread Communism, and if Vietnam fell, many other countries (Laos, Thailand, etc.) would fall with it, and Americans were determined to resist the spread. In 1955, US helped the extremely corrupt president of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, to set up the Republic of South Vietnam (set up in December 1960), as he was anti-Communist and prepared to exile Communists. By 1962, President Kennedy was sending military personnel to fight the Viet Cong, arms and soldiers that were called “Advisers”. In 1963 and 1964, tension between North and South Vietnam increased and so did American involvement. However, Kennedy said he was determined that the US would not “blunder into war, unclear about aims or how to get out again”.  On March 1965, America was at war in Vietnam.

2.   Cuba was important to Usa since they were allies and negotiate together. Also Usa owned most of the businesses of Cuba and they had a huge naval base in the Cuba Island. Between 1959-61 Castro took over all this business and he wanted to run Cuba without interference, so Usa broke of diplomatic relations with Cuba. The invasion of USA  in the Island suggest that the USA was unwilling to get directly involved in Cuba. The soviet leader, Krushchev was scroful of Kennedy’s pathetic attempt to remove Communism from Cuba. Soviets was helping Cuba and Americans watched all this with great alarm, so Kennedy asked himself what he could do (Invade, Do nothing, Surgial Air Attack, Blockade, Diplomatic pressures).

3.       The US was involved in the Vietnam War from 1954 to 1973, when they retired all of their forces from the country. Many historians claim that this was due to military failure, but, how far is that true?

To begin with, the war was very different from how the Americans had imagined it. They thought their soldiers would win it easily, as they had largely superior technology and firepower, but the guerrilla tactics implemented by the Viet Cong fighters made this practically impossible. There were also other incidents, as the My Lay massacre and the Tet Offensive, that undermined the USA’s involvement in Vietnam. After the Tet offensive, President Johnson came to the conclusion that the war could not be won militarily.

There were also other factors that contributed to the end of the American involvement in Vietnam. A very important one of them were the huge peace demonstrations in universities and public spaces, in which people complained about the war in Vietnam. These were mainly because the USA was not only spending enormous amounts of money in the war, but also because they were sending hundreds of thousands of young men to fight a war that was not theirs. Moreover, many people were horrified when the My Lai massacre came to light. President Nixon (the one who pulled the USA out of Vietnam) was also involved in the Watergate Scandal.

In conclusion, military failure was an important cause for ending the USA involvement in Vietnam war, but there were also other reasons that made this happen.

4.       Why did the unity of allies break down by 1945 and 1947?

The unit of allies between USA and USSR break down by 1945 and 1947, because they had different thoughts and wanted different things, Truman didn’t trust Stalin. Stalin was not respecting the agreement.

Resultado de imagen para south vietnam

martes, 27 de junio de 2017

El viaje: Space tiene Gravity

En la clase de Literatura estuvimos trabajando con relatos y videos sobre viajes al espacio y luego tuvimos que analizarlos y seleccionar un video clip o trailer sobre algún viaje espacial, describirlo y compararlo con el video visto en clase de David Bowie llamado “Space Oddity”. Yo elegi la famosa pelicula "Gravity".

Pelicula seleccionada: Gravity
Año: 2013
Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Compañia productora: Esperanto Filmo
Actores: Sandra Bullock y George Clooney.

Gravity: La Dra. Ryan Stone es una especialista en su primera misión a bordo del transbordador espacial Explorer. Está acompañada por el veterano astronauta Matt Kowalski y en un momento salen de la nave para reparar el telescopio de la misma, y justo les llego un mensaje diciendo que había explotado un satélite y sus partes fueron despedidas en dirección a ellos. Ellos intentan salvarse buscando una nueva estación espacial y poder volver vivos a la Tierra.

Resultado de imagen para gravity sandra bullock looking the earth

Space Oddity:

Space Oddity es una canción escrita e interpretada por David Bowie y fue lanzada en 1969. Esta canción trata de Gran Tom, un astronauta de ficción que tiene una depresión durante una misión en el espacio y los objetos fabulosos (estrellas) del mismo intentan convencerlo de que se quede en el espacio y no regrese a la Tierra. Supuestamente fue lanzado para que coincida con la llegada a la luna por el Apolo 11 el 11 de julio de 1969, por eso la gente estaba emocionada por escucharla.

Este es el link por si quieren ver y escuchar el video de Bowie.

Resultado de imagen para space oddity video original

En comparación con el vídeo de Space Oddity ocurre un problema de comunicación entre la nave y la gente que organizaba el viaje desde la tierra y en Gravity ocurre más o menos lo mismo ya que las comunicaciones con el Control de Misión se pierden al quedar destruidos algunos satélites de comunicaciones, aunque los astronautas siguen transmitiendo, con la esperanza de que el personal de tierra pueda seguir oyendo.

jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Proposal: Oral Presentations

Oral Presentations are a big problem


The principal aims of this proposal are to explain why oral presentations can damage students and provide solutions and recommendations to deal with these problems.

Current situation

I asked students what was an oral presentation and the main problems they caused and the majority said that they couldn´t learn the entire topic by heart and deliver the lesson without getting stuck. Another problem was the inability to organize what you will say and the distribution of the topic. This failure might be because they feel nervous, so they finished doing the presentation quickly but in a bad way.


To make and deliver a good presentation, students should understand the topic well with the help of the teachers. Also they could record themselves so as to know how to say it and not get stuck when they are delivering the presentation. The last and most useful recommendation is to use a paper with key words, so as to remember the most important things of the topic.


These solutions could make oral presentations easier for all students, they should be
relaxed while they talk and the mark will be a better one.

Resultado de imagen para oral presentations

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Genética llena de Proteínas y ADN

En el área de biología estuvimos trabajando con la evolución y luego vimos el ADN, una de las pruebas de la evolución. A partir de lo que leímos tuvimos que escribir un texto relacionando los conceptos genes, ADN, proteínas y evolución.

Todas las células tienen núcleo, dentro del cual hay moléculas de ADN, que son nuestros cromosomas. Los humanos tenemos 46 cromosomas y cada cromosoma está formado por una única molécula de ADN que esta enrollada alrededor de proteínas. La estructura de la molécula de ADN es siempre la misma en cada persona. La estructura de la molécula de ADN es siempre la misma en cada persona. El ADN está formado por nucleótidos que a su vez están formados por un grupo fosfato, un azúcar y una base nitrogenada. La información genética permite relacionar a restos fósiles con individuos vivos actuales. Dando evidencia de evolución. Los genes son un segmento del ADN, ubicados en una parte específica de los cromosomas.  La información genética permite relacionar a restos fósiles con individuos vivos actuales, ya que muestra cuán parecidos son a nivel molecular y diferenciar las especies. También muestra como evoluciona una población y las características que tienen entre si y los cambios evolutivos en ellos al estar todos en un mismo medio ambiente. Para que una población evolucione debe haber mutación y cambios en los genes en la población. Ademas debe haber selección natural donde no todos los genotipos se reproducen con el mismo éxito.

Resultado de imagen para adnResultado de imagen para evolucion de una poblacion biológica

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Review: Cinema news

"Fast and Furious 8" is a film written by Chris Morgan and it talks about the main character "Dominic Toretto" abandon his team and they have to fight against him since the world's chaos was in his hands. In my opinion, it's an excellent movie and the main idea of the story is well represented all along the story

This movie has many positive points but it has negative ones like the violence that the film shows all along the story fighting and dare to do something only for fun or to win the other´s respect. This could encourage children to do it in their daily life and it´s not a good way to settle a problem.

On the other hand, the movie has many positive aspects so as to realize what to do in a certaing moment. Action and team work is a good point of view and understand that what your are doing is wrong and you do not have to leave your friends that are forever is an excellent way of teaching people not to waste what more value has, your friends love.

In my opinion, the movie is very well adapted for children and in spite of the few negative points it has, the film teaches many valuable felling and things that people should do. I recommend this film, I got really excited when i finished watching it.

Resultado de imagen para rapido y furioso 8

Is it worth learning a foreing language

Some people have the opportunity to learn a foreing language besides their nacional language but not everyone takes advantage of the valuable it could be. It could help them in many things such as in their lifes or in different ways.

Firstly, learning a foreing language could save your life since you could find a good job because you know different languages and that helos you to work in places that negotiate with other countries. Also, using a foreing language could help you when you are travelling to other places so as to communicate well with the people and understand them all.

Secondly, learning different foreing languages could be useful to understand the history and culture of other countries and know the way of living they have. Moreover, people could learn their everyday things they do or many things they have in common.

To conclude, learning a foreing language is very useful and it has a big value. People in the world should know at least two languages and the more they know the better.

Resultado de imagen para learning a foreign language

Tips for studying

Hi tom,

I replied to your letter as soon as I could, I noticed you cannot concentrate in your exams and you are thinking about many things except the exam. I will help you with some ideas so as to have a good result in your exam.

If you are having problems focusing in the subject you should study in a closed room with no noises and nothing that can destract you like a movie or any electronic devices.

Another trip can be to read and re-read many times so you can hear you in a loud voice and you can recognise if you are doing it well or not.

Then you could use a very useful tip that is writing summarises or writing the most important words of what you are reading. Using colors in these papers could help you to see better the important words.

Well, I´d better stop now. Give me a call as soon as you get in with this exam and I wish you could pass the exam with a good mark but study the most you can and have faith in yourself.

All the best.

domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

Presidential elections 1932

The Republicans won the presidential election in 1928 when the economy was still booming. Their candidate was Herbert Hoover. One year later, the Wall Street Crash happened and brought severe consequences for the USA’s industry and people. In the next presidential election, in 1932 (the first one after the Wall Street Crash), Hoover lost to the Democrat candidate, Franklin D Roosevelt. Many people state that this was mainly because of the Republican policies and their reaction to the Crash, but, how far is that true?

Resultado de imagen para herbert hoover    Herbert Hoover

To begin with, the Republican policies are four: Laissez faire (not interceding with people´s economy), tariffs for importation (they protected US industry against foreign competition), low taxation (they thought people would buy goods or invest in industry with that money) and trusts (huge corporations that dominated industry). Republicans wouldn´t change their basic policies, mostly because they believed that the Depression was caused by economic problems in Europe, not by failures in the US economy. They thought that business could solve its problems alone and that help from the Government was no needed. Moreover, they claimed that business consisted on a cycle of boom and bust, so prosperity would come back alone. It was because of the policy of Laissez-faire that Hoover did almost nothing to help people who were hit hardest for the depression, as he thought that social security and relief were a responsibility and should be provided by local governments. He faced bitter criticism because of that.

Nevertheless, there were other causes for Roosevelt’s success in the presidential election, which were Hoover’s flaws and Roosevelt’s characteristics as a politician. As regard Hoover’s flaws, he was known as a “do nothing” president, even though he tried to do something, but that was not enough. He tried to restart the economy by cutting taxes and to persuade business leaders not to cut wages. Moreover, he set up the Reconstruction Finance Company to prevent banks from going bankrupts. He also tried to protect the US industry by tariffs, but this made the Depression worse. In connection to Roosevelts characteristics as a politician, he believed in an active government to improve people´s lives. He wanted to spend public many to create jobs (he already did this as Governor of New York), and asked for advise to experts (factory owners, economists and union leaders). He didn’t have a specific plan, but he realized that people wanted action and he gave them that.

Resultado de imagen para roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt

To conclude, even though the Republican’s reaction against the Crash had to do with Roosevelt winning the election in 1932, Hoover’s flaws and Roosevelt’s characteristics were also very important. This was so, because Hoover’s flaws exposed him to great criticism and turned public opinion against him, while Roosevelt gave people what they wanted.

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

Un viaje distinto

En la materia de Literatura tuvimos que realizar una historia siguiendo las siguientes instrucciones: utilizando las descripciones de Lodge y lo aprendido sobre la focalización.

Esta experiencia estuvo buena ya que al trabajar de a dos, las ideas vuelan con mayor fluidez y el tema de las descripciones y las focalizaciones, ayudaron a que quede un texto con mayor coherencia. El proceso que utilizamos fue hacer pensar bien la idea sobre lo que íbamos a escribir, describimos al/los personajes de la historia con los métodos estudiados y utilizamos la focalización poniendo sus niveles y sus modalidades.

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

Essay History Usa 1920's

How important were credit and hire purchase as reasons for the economic growth in the USA in the 1920's?

In the 1920's USA's economic boomed and people were having a nice life, spending money like out of one's mind. Some of the reasons for this growth was the credit and the hire purchase. Credit was when banks loan money to people. On the other hand, hire purchase was when people were allowed to buy goods and pay for them little by little throughout a long period of time. This "support"were the reasons that then provoke many problems to the country and it's economy.

Resultado de imagen para economic boom credits and hire purchase

Firstly, people started to believed that these factors were the only ones that brougth the economic boom in the country and that were very important. These boom helped people to have an easier for low income families so as to buy new manufactured good and if they could not, they could buy them but then they had to pay for them with credits from banks as these were ready to loan money because confidence was really high. Additionaly, many new millionaires made from investments based on borrowing money by Speculation that were people who borrowed money and they invested it on firms or companies, then sell them again as soon as the price has risen, these was a way of gambling.

Resultado de imagen para buy today pay laterImagen relacionada

Secondly, people said that credit and hire purchase were not important for economic growth in spite of the republican policies they had (low taxation, tarrifs and laissez-faire economics) that allowed profits to increase. The mass- marketing and advertising campaigns encourage people to consume more that what they can "Buy now, pay later", so factories used to make goods cheaper and faster so as to make the citizens think that they should buy them. One of the main point of the economic boom was the new electrification that allowed factories to produce more and they did not need so much workers, these brought many people unemployed and without a salary. Many people were not benefit with all this since they used credits but they ended up having to pay many debts and these had to be solved inmediately. One of the most important reason was the gained that produce USA during the First World War since they sell many arms and food to allies and the chemical industries production.

Resultado de imagen para debts economic boom usaResultado de imagen para electrification usa 1920 less workers

To conclude, credits and hire purchase were not the main factors for the economic growth in USA in 1920's since there were other that influence a lot like the industries growth with electricity, the Republican Policies and the markets gained during the First World War.

lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

Essay: eat and excesise, why not?

People don't care about what they are eating or the consequences that can cause food and they must know about this, since it is inportant for their health. Besides that, another important thing is the excersise that people did and why they have done it. The most common example of not knowing this is "Obesity" as a world problem.

Firstly, people should propose sports or activities for everyone so as to avoid healthy problems. This activitie should be everyday activities so as to prevent health problems, like obesity. The problem to organize this is that doing activities and advertising people to do it, needs a lot of money and it doesn't ensures you that everyone will pay attention to this.

Secondly, to avoid this health problems, they should educate children from a young age on the importance of a wholesome lifestyle. This is important because they could implement all their knowledge through their entire life. The only problem of this is that it takes a lot of time and not everyone would appreciate what people tell to the children and don't pay attention on the serious problems that eating wrong or not doing excersise could cause to our health.

To conclude, both solutions are necessary to achieve them, so as to imporove the world health problems. Educating children from a young age could be more effective in the long term since they could improve themselves.

Resultado de imagen para propagando para que hagan deporteResultado de imagen para propagandas de comida saludable

Essay: replace cars with better public transport

All around the world, cities have problems with transport, generally traffic jams, broken trucks and people driving as they want thinking that the street are only for them and this bring many accidents to people, including death. For all these situation there are different ways to improve these everyday problems by learning how damaging cars are for environment and by improving public transport system.

Firstly, people should know the important problem that vehicles cause to the environment and how they could avoid them. They mayor problem that vehicles produce in cities are cars emission of gases that affect people's health and also the ozone layer causing global warming. Teaching all this to people could make them reflect about this and avoid it for future genereations.

Then, goverment should improve the public transport system so then people won't need their cars. This plan is ideal since it sidesteps pollution in cities and also it would be more confortable to people being in the streets. In addition, goverment should invest money in new parking areas so cars wouldn't disturb people driving.

To conclude, people ougth reflect and do the effort so as to have a confortable life, but i think that people would have their education and they would change their way of life,

Resultado de imagen para trafico y contaminaciónResultado de imagen para transporte publico